So Long, Supply Chain

By partnering with Recircl8, you leave supply chain issues behind, and welcome a future with way less waste.

Packaging & Containers

We offer clamshell packaging or any recycled polyethene terephthalate (PET) container, designed to your needs.

Extruded Sheet

We also manufacture extruded sheet for thermoformers to any specification.

Here’s How It Works



We gather the plastics — everything from post-industrial to post-consumer to virgin — shred them, and blend them at whatever ratio you need.


This custom blend goes into our reactor, which decontaminates it, then crystalizes the plastic and pulls off any debris (dust, labels, etc.).


The newly cleaned and crystallized plastic gets pulled into our extruder, where high pressure turns it into a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film sheet. The sheet is then cut and tightly wound into a large roll for purchase, or sent into our thermoformer.



Unwound PET film moves into our thermoformer. Here, it’s placed in an oven and quickly melted.

Stretch & Shape

The heated PET film is formed into a mold — whatever container shape you choose. Through blowing and vacuuming air, the film is perfectly fitted to its mold.

Stamp & Cut

The newly molded plastic is then stamped and cut off the sheet. Your new containers are ready!

Let’s Start Your Partnership!