Building a More Sustainable Future

Who We Are

Packaging matters. Not just for your company’s bottom line, but for planet Earth. Recircl8 founder Branden Hickman wanted to build a sustainable packaging solution that would be good for all of the above. With the capability of making containers exclusively from plastic that’s 100% recycled AND 100% recyclable, Recircl8 helps Southwest businesses secure easier orders and reduce waste. In other words, these are containers you’ll be proud of.

Our Pillars

  • Securing a future with less waste? That’s a group effort. We leave things better than we found them, and our short-term goals always serve our long-term solutions.

  • When there’s room for creativity, good things happen. At Recircl8, we believe the future has solutions we’ll discover together.

  • With every step we take, we create less waste. And through integrated management, things continue running smoothly.

  • Never forget: We’re all in this together. Appreciation fuels motivation — because building a better future should feel good

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